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Mission and Values

CSU Daycare and Nursery values a secure and educational environment that encourages the global development of each child.
The mission of the CSU daycare and nursery is to offer a safe and educational living environment that promotes the overall development of the child by allowing him to develop all the dimensions of his person, particularly on the emotional, social, motor, moral and cognitive levels. , language, physics and motor.
At CSU Nursery and Nursery, we believe that every child has the right to a rich and safe environment in which they can grow and explore. All members of the community are equally responsible for a harmonious and comfortable center which will enable the children in our care to become competent pupils.
Each child is welcomed with open arms. We foster a multicultural environment that reflects the diversity of Concordia University’s student body.

At our daycare:
The well-being of each child is a priority
All children are treated equally and develop in an environment of confidence and respect.
Learning is stimulated through play while encouraging independence and global development.
We offer an inclusive space in a lively and cultivating environment.
We encourage democracy and tolerance; the child can make choices and reflect on their choices.
The parent is invited to collaborate for continuity in the quality service offered to the child.
Our educators apply their knowledge and personal touch considering the age, needs and interests of the children

In our environment:
·       Each child has an equal place within the group in a climate of trust and respect.
·       Learning takes place through play and pleasure.
·       We integrate children with special needs and offer them a stimulating and rewarding living environment.
·       The child can make choices and make informed decisions in a democratic and balanced environment.
·       Parents are invited to get involved and collaborate in order to enhance the quality service offered to children.